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Welcome to my Website Number one...Thank you for wanting to check my website out! Now, why am I here? Here’s the scoop: Around the last week of June "99" I was listening to Talk Radio 97.1 at approximately noon while getting ready (in my bathroom) to eventually go out and take care of errands. The talk show host that I was listening to was Jonathon Brandmeier he also goes by Johnny B; he calls his program "Radio Showgram" . He was in the process of calling up a woman whom he found had created a website for him. Johnny was so impressed by this website in his honor that he had to call her (on air) to let her know (as well as his listeners) that she did a terrific job! Later in this conversation, Johnny asked why the website address did not have his name or the name of his program? He found out from the woman who made his website that his name had already been taken as well as the name of his program. Please read on!... There are certain people out there who buy up potential names for websites that have ulterior motives for doing so ... hoping that someday someone will find out that when they go to make up a website they’ll find that their name (or business name) has already been taken! It’s called "cybersquatting". But, they really want it so they will negotiate with the person who has it and who only bought it for $70.00 (for two years). They may pay as much $1000 or more! Depending who it is and how badly they want it! So, what that means for Johnny B. as well as anyone else who is thinking of getting a website in the future? Get a website or reserve a domain as soon as you can even if you don’t use it for awhile, because someone else will get it! If you do not think you want a website? Please think again, because one day you will want one and most likely one with your name included? If not your name? How about a business that you have been toying around with and you have the perfect name for your website. If you think you would do it someday –JUST DO IT!! Otherwise someone will beat you to it and you are going to be very upset! Now all that said "There is NO WAY that I want anyone else in cyberspace with a website with my name!!! An example of what personally happened to us: My husband Steve (the most wonderful man in the world) was considering a website. Well, you can now click on to his website at . As you can see he now has his website but, before I told him what I had heard on the Johnny B. Show he was considering getting a website later on. WELL!!!! when he called to reserve a domain he found out that glickman.com and glickmanlaw.com had already been taken and Heidi G. too! (I hope Heidi G. doesn’t mind , but I checked out her website and guess what she does??!!?? Creates websites and helps people to maintain their websites annnnd teaches people how to create and keep up their websites. Funny, I was toying around with the idea of someday doing the same thing!! Hope she doesn’t see this?? To get back on track here... I suggested glickmanandglickman . He decided against it because he felt it was too long for people to remember and then to type out. He ended up with pretty much what he wanted: all he had to do was add a dash in between glickman and law. Okay! Enough about claiming one’s domain. I’ve had my domain for awhile...that alone knowing I have a place (my space) in cyberspace is quite exhilarating and knowing that I have a spot on the Wold Wide Web. (SO cool)! Now, because of the fact that I do have a website...I feel a sense of responsibility to do something! So instead of just taking up space...That is why you are reading my Welcome to My Website. I hope you’ve read this far? And once again WELCOME I feel it’s like writing a letter to the WORLD! My intentions, what in the world will I do with my website? It’s definitely at its infancy it will be raw. AND I’m pretty darn sure you will let me know (and you can by clicking on to my e-mail and suggestion spot). PLLLLEEEEEse be kind and OH so tactful with your intelligent and most creative suggestions....I thank you in advance for doing so! On that note? I will always continue to stretch out words such as PLLLLLEEEAs or grrrreeeeATE. I LOVE to use caps a lot and put multiple ... periods in sections of my sentences. And I’m sure when I become more familiar with various fonts I will have fun over using them too. And I especially love to use brackets! (Such as these). My real favorite...EXCLAMATION MARKS!!!!! (I know this just drives some people CRAZY!!!) So, if you do not care for the way I express my self by these methods??? Then I lost you a long time ago! And for those of you who have stayed around, you’re hopefully getting a kick out of all the above?!? This part of my website will be a free for all (a free flowing of what ever whim comes to me) Maybe later on I will write a "Biography" as I have seen on other websites. But, as I see this as a continuum of my expressing myself through time you will get to know me and who I am and that includes my husband Steve and our cats (you can click onto "Cats we love them") . As you have most likely surfed the World Wide Web, you have seen all kinds of websites: there are some that have specific intentions, selling a product or themselves perhaps? On my website you will notice that there is an Avon button you can click onto...Which will tell you more about me as an Avon Representative (I have been one for TEN years!) Please check it out! In this page of my website I foresee the following at times it will be an Op-Ed piece (hopefully with humor) I want it to be frivolous, exciting, educational, inspiring, crazy, hysterical, stupid, outrageous, touching, sad, pleasant, thought provoking and drum roll please ....meaningless dribble (and being damn proud of it!) I have included in my website a few of my favorite links to other websites (that will change from time to time) If I take information from other websites? I will acknowledge them for you to check out. So on with the show! Please click on to my other web pages. Thank you for playing! Home Page |