Cats ... we love 'em!
Click on these photos for some cute pictures of our guys!

Here are some pictures of Annie!

There she was, minding her own business, when there was a rumor of a spider
(gasp!) in Heidi's bathroom! Being a good watch cat, Annie went to investigate
Where, oh, where is the spider?
Trusty Annie will find it!
... or will she?
Well, we'll never know!

Because ... it's nap time!

And here are some shots of TC!

T.C. also heard the rumored spider sighting.

But ... being the intelligent cat that she is ...

She figured Annie could take care of the "situation" while T.C. contemplated
world peace and other weightier topics such as when are they going to feed me
The end.
For now! Watch this space for the continuing adventures
of Annie and T.C. updated weekly.
p.s. The spider lived happily ever after ... and Heidi's very